Friday, October 26, 2018

Crying a river!!

I know it has been a long time since my first post here. I was dealing with my pregnancy, work and my almost 2 year old princess.
We just recently had a newborn and we are in heaven with both our kids. And now I am dealing with hormones all over the place which makes me even more emotional. I feel guilty because my princess feels like I replaced her and I don’t want her to feel this way. She wants all my attention and sometimes I cannot give it to her because I need to take care of her little brother. But she doesn’t understand this yet.
I have been crying every single day since I last gave birth. Literally I can probably be named after a river because of so many tears. So how is it that moms all over the world deal with these crazy hormones? Is this a sign of depression beginnings? When does this go away?
I remember with my first baby, I would cry but it didn’t last too long... what is this????
I wish I could divide myself I two and be able to be with both babies at the same time. Thank goodness for both grandmas staying at home with us and helping me with her. But still feel guilty. I want to be that super mom that can do everything and anything with no matter how many kids.
How did moms in the past do it? Staying at home moms, in the past and probably some now, had to deal with all sort of things. From cleaning the house, having meals ready and taking care of the kiddos.
Why is it then that if we are the “stronger sex” which in most cases we are, we cannot do other things besides having a full time job, come home, make a quick dinner (not that healthy or with much effort put into it) have 10 minutes with the kids, put them to bed and good night! Next day same routine. This is ridiculous!!!!
I am trying to figure out how can I challenge myself today about feeling this way and show myself that I can do anything? Any advice and words of encouragement are so welcome.
Hopefully I will have another post next week or by this weekend. God bless.